
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Highlighting Canadian Authors for Canada Day

Images from Google and official synopsis's from Goodreads
I don't know if you know this but I am a Canadian so I thought for Canada Day this year I would highlight some works by Canadian authors that are absolutely amazing.

1) The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Handmaid's Tale | CBC Books
This novel is set in a dystopian U.S. where if women are fertile they are forced to become the handmaids to rich families who can't have children of their own. This book is an incredible read, and Margaret Atwood is an amazing author.
Synopsis: "Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant because, in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are viable. Offred can remember the years before when she lived and made love with her husband, Luke; when she played with and protected her daughter; when she had a job, money of her own, and access to knowledge. But all of that is gone now . . . "
2) Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables: Montgomery, Lucy Maud: 9780553213133: Books ...
I can not talk about Canadian literature without mentioning this classic which takes place in beautiful P.E.I. This book is a childhood favorite that I have read numerous times. It follows Anne who is an orphan who goes to live with a couple on P.E.I. Originally the couple requested a boy and were surprised when Anne showed up although over time they fall in love with her and she becomes one of the biggest aspects of their lives.
Synopsis: "As soon as Anne Shirley arrives at the snug white farmhouse called Green Gables, she is sure she wants to stay forever . . . but will the Cuthberts send her back to to the orphanage? Anne knows she's not what they expected—a skinny girl with fiery red hair and a temper to match. If only she can convince them to let her stay, she'll try very hard not to keep rushing headlong into scrapes and blurting out the first thing that comes to her mind. Anne is not like anyone else, the Cuthberts agree; she is special—a girl with an enormous imagination. This orphan girl dreams of the day when she can call herself Anne of Green Gables." 
3) The Birth House by Amy McKay
The Birth House eBook: McKay, Ami: Kindle Store
I read this book for a book club that I am part of and absolutely loved it. It is about a woman in Nova Scotia who becomes the midwife for her community. Many other historical events take place in the book including the Halifax Explosion. This is a really great Canadian historical fiction read.
Synopsis: "Spanning the 20th century Ami McKay takes a primitive and superstitious rural community in Nova Scotia and creates a rich tableau of characters to tell the story of childbirth from its most secretive early practices to modern maternity as we know it. Epic and enchanting, 'The Birth House' is a gripping saga about a midwife's struggles in the wilds of Nova Scotia. As a child in the small village of Scot's Bay, Dora Rare -- the first female in five generations of Rares -- is befriended by Miss Babineau, an elderly midwife with a kitchen filled with folk remedies and a talent for telling tales. Dora becomes her apprentice at the outset of World War I, and together they help women through difficult births, unwanted pregnancies, and even unfulfilling marriages. But their traditions and methods are threatened when a Doctor comes to town with promises of painless childbirth and sets about undermining Dora's credibility. Death and deception, accusations and exile follow, as Dora and her friends fight to protect each other and the women's wisdom of their community."
4) Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
Falling Kingdoms: A Falling Kingdoms Novel: Rhodes, Morgan ...
If you are looking for a YA fantasy I highly recommend checking out the Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes. There is also a spin-off series to falling kingdoms which I believe at first takes place in the modern world. Falling Kingdoms is told from multiple points of view and set in a very interesting fantasy world. Also, it's a finished series so you can binge-read the entire thing without having to wait for the next book to come out.
Synopsis: In the three kingdoms of Mytica, magic has long been forgotten. And while hard-won peace has reigned for centuries, a deadly unrest now simmers below the surface.

As the rulers of each kingdom grapple for power, the lives of their subjects are brutally transformed... and four key players, royals and rebels alike, find their fates forever intertwined. Cleo, Jonas, Lucia, and Magnus are caught in a dizzying world of treacherous betrayals, shocking murders, secret alliances, and even unforeseen love.

The only outcome that's certain is that kingdoms will fall. Who will emerge triumphant when all they know has collapsed?

It's the eve of war... Choose your side.

Princess: Raised in pampered luxury, Cleo must now embark on a rough and treacherous journey into enemy territory in search of magic long thought extinct.

Rebel: Jonas, enraged at injustice, lashes out against the forces of oppression that have kept his country cruelly impoverished. To his shock, he finds himself the leader of a people's revolution centuries in the making.

Sorceress: Lucia, adopted at birth into the royal family, discovers the truth about her past—and the supernatural legacy she is destined to wield.

Heir: Bred for aggression and trained to conquer, firstborn son Magnus begins to realize that the heart can be more lethal than the sword...

5) The Joanne Kilbourn Mystery series by Gail Bowen
Deadly Appearances: Bowen, Gail: Books
Not only do I personally know this author but this mystery series is actually really really good. This series takes place in Saskatchewan and follows Joanne Kilbourn a middle-aged woman who just happens to usually get stuck having to solve a case. This book also deals with Joanne's family and the day-to-day aspects of her life.
Synopsis: "Andy Boychuk is a successful Saskatchewan politician – until one sweltering August afternoon when the party faithful gathers at a picnic. All of the key people in Boychuk’s life – family, friends, enemies – are there. Boychuk steps up to the podium to make a speech, takes a sip of water, and drops dead. Joanne Kilbourn, in her début as Canada’s leading amateur sleuth, is soon on the case, delving into Boychuk’s history. What she finds are a Bible college that’s too good to be true, a woman with a horrifying and secret past, and a murderer who’s about to strike again."

While there are many more Canadian authors I can add to this list I will just leave it at five. If you have any books written by Canadian authors that you really like you can comment down below. Also if you want to see another set of recommendations of books and series written by Canadian authors comment down below. Happy Canada Day!!!

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