
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Splintered by A.G. Howard series review (Some spoilers)

Spoiler Filled Gush/Rant on the Splintered Trilogy by A.G. Howard ...Untamed (Splintered Series Companion) (Hardcover) | ABRAMS
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Series: Splintered
Author: A. G. Howard 
Published by: Amulet Books
Number of books in series: Three and there is one novella book
Series Rating: 3.5/5 stars
Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, Retelling
Trigger: Abuse, violence

This book series is a retelling of Alice in Wonderland. It follows the main character of Alyssa Gardener who can hear the voices of insects and plants. She is said to be a descendent of the original Alice but not everything is as it seems. Her mother is in a mental institution due to what Alyssa believes to be the family curse. Alyssa also believes because she can hear the voices of the insects and plants that she is also headed towards being in a mental institution.
When in fact the reason she can hear the voices is that she is half Netherling and is destined to be the next Red Queen of Wonderland.
In the first book, she and her next-door neighbour/ crush Jebidiah Holt go to Wonderland. While there they are told to complete a bunch of different tasks by Morpheus. The tasks are about fixing what Alice did to wonderland and having Alyssa discover the truth about who she really is.
As the books progress Alyssa's struggle to save wonderland from Queen Red grows. As well her connections with her childhood friend Morpheus and Jeb grow as well.
The love triangle in this book is okay. However, I didn't like how book three ended originally but changed my mind about it after reading the novella.

The book has three main characters Morpheus, Jeb, and Alyssa. My favorite character in the book series was Morpheus because of the character development and progression of his character throughout the series. There were times when I was so frustrated with Alyssa. Morpheus was always trying to push her to do her best and showing her that she can do things for herself yet she still liked Jeb who felt like he always had to protect Alyssa when in fact she didn't need protection.
Jeb was my least favorite of the main characters. While there were still things I liked about Jeb I couldn't get into his character. I struggled with the interactions between him and Alyssa, and how she would hold Jeb's character to a different standard than Morpheus. Alyssa even admitted she was wrong in book two Unhinged. However, there are some deeper aspects to Jeb's character which are done quite well. Like the aspect about how he had an abusive father and blamed himself for not being able to do more. It was only in moments where Jeb's character would show this different side to himself over the moody, overprotective guy he is that I could really feel for his character.
When it comes to Morpheus's character one of the aspects I loved about him was the fact that he literally wore his emotions on the outside so the main character Alyssa could tell how he was feeling. Also, the fact that he waited for a long time to be with her and was willing to wait even longer was amazing, and heart-touching.
The various other side characters in Wonderland and in the human world are great. I especially love the scenes with Rabid white. Chessie, Sister One, Sister Two, Grenedine, and the rest of the Wonderland Denizens also have many great moments throughout the books.
I really enjoyed the character of Jenara who is Jeb's younger sister. I thought her friendship with Alyssa was incredibly well done, especially when Alyssa wanted to make sure Jenara knew the truth in book three Ensnared. Also, her character was great in two of the Novellas that were in the bind-up Untamed.

- Splintered:
- "I'll Alway's come back for you
- "That's how you know you're alive, Alyssa. The kicks."
- "I'm still here, aren't I?' Morpheus guides me down beside Ivory and exposes her birthmark, touching it to mine. Heat flashes along my body. "I've always believed in your power. For the queen, I saw in you even as a child ... for the woman you could never see in yourself. My faith is as unchanging as my age."
- Unhinged
- "I feel like Quasimodo in a toga."
- "Just an artist. You painted my freedom with your blood. Just a skater. You flew across a chasm on a skateboard made of a tea tray to get me to safety. You don't need magic, Jeb."
- "He grits his teeth against more shivers. "Always knew I'd end up in your bed ... and hear you say those words one day." He manages a smirk. Jeb Snarls. "Unbelievable. Even when he's at death's door he's a tool.""
- "Morpheus laughs weakly, his skin flashing with blue light. "What say Alyssa"- his breath rattles - "gives my mouth something else to do?" Jeb narrows his eyes. "What say I give you a fist to chew on?"
- "Morpheus places his hand on Jeb's busy fingers, yes opened to slits. "Ah, my pretty pseudo elf." He takes a labored breath. "Is it time at last to express our unrequited feelings?"
- "I lift his chin with my fingertip. "I'm trying to tell you that if you keep following the good impulses, no matter how insignificant they might seem, I won't let you down like the others. I'll come back to you.""
- "Then it will be my turn to win you. I'm up for the challenge."
- " And you inflame my soul."
- "I never saw it coming. It was me all along. Me who would betray myself in the worst possible way."
- Ensnared
- "Jeb is an anchor; he holds me grounded to my humanity and compassion. But Morpheus is the wind; he drags me kicking and screaming to the highest precipice, shoves me off, then watches me fly with netherling wings. When Jeb's at my side, the world is a canvas- unblemished and welcoming; when I'm with Morpheus, it's a wanton playground - wicked and addictive."
- "It doesn't make her stronger to forget. You're the one who's strong. For you remember, and yet you go on. That is what will make you a wonderful ruler one day, just like your mother - sympathetic and understanding."
- "Morpheus tilts his head to meet my gaze from behind the frame. 'Aw, shy little blossom. You should've seen the atrocities he tried to put me in those first few days. He didn't let me have a say until I walked around naked for a few hours. Should you decide to employ that strategy, I'll be behind you one hundred percent. Or in front of you. Lady's choice." He winks."
- "The lack of magic is what leads humans to fantasize in the first place. And Alyssa, what a wonderfully powerful force an imagination can be."
- "But for me - self-seeking, arrogant prig that I am - that is the sincerest form of sacrifice. Letting you go. Do you not see that?"
- "I believe in your strength. Will you never do the same?"
- "This place let me face my demons. But you ... you always had faith I would beat them. And now I have. Thanks for that, Al."
- "That's because believing you're alone in the universe is less terrifying than admitting you might have an otherworldly audience."
" Forever and Always."
- Untamed
- " Where was the excitement in dependability? Where was the spontaneity in a predictable world? He could offer her an eternity of challenges and passion, of quiet, tender moments stolen in the depths of riotous flames and ravaging storms - tranquility amidst the chaos."
- " You were the only miracle I ever needed. You've always blamed yourself on some level, for me losing my muse. But don't you see? I never lost anything. You are my muse. Even with my creativity gone, you stayed by my side and were always there, inspiring me to be the man I wanted to be. Because of you, I'm leaving behind a legacy. A well-adjusted and happy family who will carry on our memories and traditions. that's how I'll live forever, Al. No mortal man could ask for anything more."
- "You have ne'er been normal. You are exquisite. You are transcendent. And you are mine."
Would I Recommend: 
I would recommend this series 100 percent. If you like retellings, Alice in Wonderland, or just YA fantasy in general you should give this series a chance. With heartfelt characters, an intriguing world, and an amazing plot how can I not recommend this book?

What are your favorite moments from the series? Comment down below.

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