
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Infernal Devices Trilogy Review

Spoiler Review: The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare – Heart ...
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Title(s): Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess ( The Infernal Devices)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Rating: 5/5 stars
Trigger: Torture, abduction, death, drug addiction, violence 

Plot: The books take place in 18th century London. Tessa Gray the main character goes to London after her Aunt dies to live with her brother Nathaniel. When she arrives she gets abducted by the Dark sisters who force her to use her abilities for their purposes. She is told that she will marry the Magister. However, before this happens Will Herondale who is a Shadowhunter comes and rescues her. He takes her to the London Institute where she meets other Shadowhunters. But while she is there she still isn't safe because the Magister is still after her. All the characters in the institute help Tessa with the challenges which she has to face on her journey of self-discovery. A lot of this plot is Tessa realizing who she is, and her accepting her powers. The story is very fast-paced and is one that easily gets the reader hooked. There is also a bunch of romance in this trilogy which I absolutely loved.    

Characters: This trilogy is very character-driven. The main characters of Tessa, Will, and Jem Carstairs are in a love triangle. Which by the way is one of the most well-done love triangles I have ever read about. All the characters are very intricately detailed, and they feel like real people. Jem is dying and in order for him to live longer, he has to take this drug which also in the process of keeping him alive is killing him. Then there is Will who left his family because he thought if he loved him it would kill them due to a 'curse' that was put on him by the demon he accidentally let out from the pixis. However, there was no curse. Then there are the other side characters. Charlotte and Henry who runs the institute. Sophie who is a maid, who becomes a shadowhunter. Gideon Lightwood is the older brother of Gabriel Lightwood who Sophie ends up with. Then of course there is Cecily Herondale, Jessamine Lovelace, and many other characters who are all done incredibly well. 
The majority of the plot of this book depends on its characters, and the emotional attachments the reader makes with them. 

Clockwork Angel: 
  • "Words have the power to change us."
  • "What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?"
  • "It's alright to love someone who doesn't love you back, as long as they're worth you loving them."
  • “You know," Gabriel said, "there was a time I thought we could be friends, Will."
    "There was a time I thought I was a ferret," Will said, "but that turned out to be the opium haze. Did you know it had that effect? Because I didn't.”
  • "There's plenty of sense in nonsense sometimes, if you wish to look for it."
  •  “Let me give you a piece of advice. The handsome young fellow who's trying to rescue you from a hideous fate is never wrong. Not even if he says the sky is purple and made of hedgehogs.”
  • “Well, she's not responding to my advances," he observed more brightly than he felt, "so she must be dead." 
    "Or she's a woman of good taste and sense.”
Clockwork Prince:
  • “We live and breathe words. .... It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them. Reading your words, what you wrote, how you were lonely sometimes and afraid, but always brave; the way you saw the world, its colors and textures and sounds, I felt--I felt the way you thought, hoped, felt, dreamt. I felt I was dreaming and thinking and feeling with you. I dreamed what you dreamed, wanted what you wanted--and then I realized that truly I just wanted you.”
  • “They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite”
  • "If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?"
  • "Our souls are knit. We are one person, James."
  • “Someday, Will, I will go where none can follow me, and I think it will be sooner rather than later. Have you ever asked yourself why I agreed to be your parabatai?”
  • “I can offer you my life, but it is a short life; I can offer you my heart, though I have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain”
  • "God knows we're all drawn to what's beautiful and broken."
Clockwork Princess:
  • "Life is a book and there are a thousand pages I have not yet read."
  • "You endure what is unbearable, and you bear it. That is all."
  • "I am catastrophically in love with you."
  • "Men may be stronger, but it is women who endure."
  • “Sometimes one must choose whether to be kind or honorable," he said. "Sometimes one cannot be both.” 
  • “There are so many worse things than death. Not to be loved or not to be able to love: that is worse.”
  • "Do not seek revenge and call it justice." 
Would I Recommend: 
This series is one I definitely recommend. All the books were worth a five-star rating. I got so emotionally attached to the characters and addicted to the story. These are the best Cassandra Clare books I have ever read. Also, you don't have to read The Mortal Instruments series to read these ones. It was also very hard to narrow down what quotes I wanted to use in my review because there are so many good ones from all the books. This series is a very quick read, and worth it 100 percent. 

Thank you so much for reading my review. What did you think of the books? Comment down below. 

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